Lifecycle awareness!
Finally Android Data Binding library got updated to play nice with Android Architecture Components library and became life-cycle aware! This means that any changes to the LiveData objects will be reflected in the layouts... automagically! :)\
- Tested on Android Studio 3.1 - canary 6
Whats new?
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
ActivityMainBinding binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this, R.layout.activity_main);
final MainViewModel vm = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(MainViewModel.class);
if(vm.userModel.getValue() == null){ // initial value
vm.userModel.setValue(new UserModel("Ollie"));
To make the binding life-cycle aware you need to pass the life-cycle owner to the ViewDataBinding by calling the setLifecycleOwner method.
The ViewModel:
public class MainViewModel extends ViewModel {
public MutableLiveData<UserModel> userModel = new MutableLiveData<>();
public void onSaveUserData(){
Our view model consists of the LiveData object that is simply and observable data container, where the observer gets notified of data changes.
The model:
public class UserModel {
public String name;
public UserModel(String name) { = name;
Our model has one field that is used to store user's name. A POJO.
The layout:
<layout ...>
type="...MainViewModel" />
android:text='@{"user name: " }'
... />
... />
android:onClick="@{()->viewModel.onSaveUserData() }"
... />
- Out layout consists of a text field that is bound to the user's name. And will be updated when our LiveData container posts a change.
- We also have an EditText that is two-way bound to the user's name, meaning when text gets entered, the name is updated and vise-versa, when the user LiveDate is updated the EditText is updated.
- And finally a button onClick of which we post a change to our LiveData and all the observers get notified.
The result:
- Full source for the project: here